002 | Dune: Dune Debacle: Why David Lynch Disowned His Sci-Fi Film | Martin Padilla
The release of Denis Villeneuve's Dune: Part 2 in March 2024 provided the perfect opportunity to chat about the notoriously horrific production of David Lynch's “Dune” from 1984. Lynch's sci-fi flick was a sinking ship even before it was completed, plagued by studio interference, on-set incidents, and budget constraints. We'll explain all the elements outside Lynch's control and how this movie came to be.
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Produced by Capital G Media
Producers: Ghazal Elhaei, Karman Fong
Audio Editing: Casey Jones
Connect with Martin Padilla
Martin Alejandro Padilla is a film content creator and aspiring filmmaker. His passion for movies extends to every aspect of his online presence.
Instagram: @alejandroxpadilla
TikTok: @alejandroxpadilla
Twitter: @alejandroxpadi
Letterboxd: @alejandroxpadi