004 | The Swimmer: Frank Perry's Critique of the American Dream | Bryan Starr



1968's “The Swimmer,” a bizarre and surreal drama by Frank and Eleanor Perry, is a cross between an Old Hollywood film and a member of Hollywood's New Wave. This Burt Lancaster-starring flick depicts the fading American dream while also illustrating the suppression of reality, the passage of time, and the fear that comes with that.


Follow Marta Djordjevic
Instagram: @marta.mcfly
TikTok: @marta..mcfly

Produced by Capital G Media
Producers: Ghazal Elhaei, Karman Fong 
Audio Editing: Casey Jones

Connect with Brian Starr

Bryan Starr is a filmmaker and content creator who is also incredibly interested in movies that tackle the American suburban dream. While he has run Bryan Starr Cinematography for seven years, Bryan started creating content in 2020. Thanks to his film collection of over 3,000 titles, he has built himself up as a leader in the community who champions physical media.

Instagram: @bstarrcinema
TikTok: @bstarrcinema
YouTube: @bstarrcinema


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