019 | The Isolation of Womanhood: Exploring Female Loneliness in Film | Sophie Holsinger
Today's round-up episode will explore female loneliness in cinema. Films that showcase the inner turmoils of the mind aren’t new, but many of them come from a male perspective. Joined by Sophie Holsinger, our aim for today's episode is to highlight the isolation of womanhood by each highlighting five of our favorite films with this theme and discussing why they're so dear to us.
Follow Marta Djordjevic
Instagram: @marta.mcfly
TikTok: @marta..mcfly
Produced by Capital G Media
Producers: Ghazal Elhaei, Karman Fong
Audio Editing: Casey Jones
Connect with Sophie Holsinger
Sophie Holsinger is a film writer and co-host of the The Movie Draft Podcast.
Letterboxd: @oppenmommy
Twitter: @sophiemhols
TikTok: @thesophienetwork